Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Is Nick Marks for Real

I recently ordered "Affiliate Hijack" by Nick Marks, but after I placed the order I was not directed to a download site, nor did I receive a confirmation e-mail with a download location. I was directed to the Super Affiliate Lab, another Marks Enterprise company, but was unable to sign up for their super affiliate program. Does anyone out there have any experience with Nick Marks products or is he bogus? Mr. Marks, if you come across this blog, please explain why my order was not filled (maybe a software/code problem), or why you or your assistants have not answered my e-mail inquiring about my order. This is the first time I have had trouble with receiving the "online Marketing" product that I ordered. How did you become "Internet marketer of the year" with that type of customer service???

Saturday, April 4, 2009

OK, I'm just getting started at setting up my initial webpage, but that should be up and running soon. I know that I'm looking forward to it and hope you will enjoy it too. In the meantime, if you have questions about what the website will be or what crazy ideas I have in my head, please let me know. Here we go!